
One day about 10 years ago I had a rush of blood to the brain And decided to build my own fly rod. I enjoyed the challenge so much  I built another then another and now I’m building all sorts of rods for different fishing styles and applications.

One thing lead to another experimenting with colours, rod designs and styles hence the name rod lab. When building your own rods it’s a real interesting working through the design and adding your own flare, the options are endless of what you can do.

Just be warned, this can be addictive and sometimes the rod wrapper is not all ways appreciated by some, sitting in the middle of the dining room table…………

When I started I didn’t have any flash tools or equipment. I made some vee blocks out of timber and tensioned the thread with the weight of a book. To get started you can get away with making up a wrapper, eg a box with vee slots cut out or vee blocks like I did, but eventually you will want to upgrade to a hand or even a power wrapper. You will also need to purchase a dryer, you can do this by hand (very painful) and with cool weather some epoxy finishes can take 6 plus hours to cure hard enough not to slump, so definitely advise a dryer. But start slow you will quickly work out what works for you, there is a huge amount of “how to’s” on you tube.

So what are you waiting for, let your inner creative mind create a beast of a rod that will give you a huge amount of satisfaction when landing that trophy fish. They make fantastic gifts too, they can be personalised so no one will ever have one the same! 

Enjoy, and remember if you can find what you need, let me know and I will try stock it. I’m constantly updating and building stock.

Thanks Nick